His Spirit guides us,
His Spirit leads us,
our God protects us for His good will.
With cloud and fire
and with His angels,
He gives us victory
in all that we do.
We've never set our foot on this way in life before.
New miracles are coming,
coming our way.
We lift up praises to the Savior
for all people to hear.
We will march onto the path of His covenant.
Oh, only by the Spirit of our God.
Oh, only by the power of the Lord,
Oh, only by the name of Jesus Christ,
Oh, let all things go well with us.
We will give ourselves no rest.
We will always walk in the Light.
We will give ourselves no rest.
We will always walk in the Light.
Oh, only by the Spirit of our God.
Oh, only by the power of the Lord,
Oh, only by the name of Jesus Christ,
Oh, let all things go well with us.