五十音順リスト 2007_R.E.M.N.A.N.T 七行詩
R.E.M.N.A.N.T 7행시 R.E.M.N.A.N.T Acrostic Poem
R.E.M.N.A.N.T 7행시 R.E.M.N.A.N.T Acrostic Poem
江原道、横城ソンウリゾートで世界Remnant大会が行なわれた時がありました。狭い場所だったのですが、Remnantが集まって賛美して祈ってみことばを受ける姿を見ると、感謝で満たされました。Remnantという単語を黙想するようになり、「R、restoring 世界は回復のとき。E、evangelism いのちの福音により。M、movement すばらしい恵みの運動。N、needed 時代の必要は君。A、all すべての国、民族。N、nations あらゆる国、人々。T、today 今日切なる祈り願い。聖なるすえこそ、その名は切り株」という簡単ですが正確な契約を入れることができました。Remnantがこの賛美を歌う姿を想像して、ギターを弾きながら作曲をして、ピアノで最終楽譜を完成しました。この曲を歌うすべてのRemnantのたましいの中に正確なRemnantの契約が刻印されて、時代を生かすRemnantが起きるように祈ります。(文/クォン・ジョンミン牧師)
강원도 횡성 성우 리조트에서 세계 Remnant대회가 진행되었던 때가 있었습니다. 비록 좁은 장소였지만 Remnant가 모여서 찬양하고 기도하고 말씀을 받는 모습을 보니 감사가 충만해졌습니다. Remnant라는 단어가 묵상이 되었고, “R, restoring 세상은 회복되어야만해. E, evangelism 주님 주신 생명의 복음으로. M, movement 놀라운 운동 일어나야만해. N, needed 이 시대는 너를 필요로 하네. A, all 온 세상 민족과 열방. N, nations 수많은 나라와 모든 족속. T today 오늘날 간절히 원하는 것. 이 땅의 거룩한 씨, 그 이름은 그루터기.”라는 간단하지만 정확한 언약을 담을 수 있었습니다. Remnant가 이 찬양을 부르는 모습을 상상하며 기타를 치면서 작곡을 하고, 피아노로 최종 악보를 완성했습니다. 이 곡을 부르는 모든 Remnant의 영혼 속에 정확한 Remnant 언약이 각인되고, 시대 살릴 Remnant가 일어나길 기도합니다.(글 / 권정민 목사)
There was a time when the World Remnant Conference was held at Sungwoo Resort located in Hoengseong, Gangwon-do, I was thankful to see the Remnants who had gathered to sing praises, pray, and receive messages although it was a very small place. Naturally, I began to meditate on the word "Remnant" and was able to store the accurate covenant inside these lyrics.
"R is for restoring, the world must be restored. E is for evangelism that takes place through the God-given Gospel of life. M is for movement, a tremendous movement must arise. N is for needed, you are needed in this age. A is for all, all people of the entire world. N is for nations, countless nations and every ethnicity in the world. T is for today, Remnants are truly needed today. They are the holy seed of the earth."
I imagined how Remnants would sing this song while composing the music on the guitar and completed the arrangement by using the piano. I sincerely pray that the accurate covenant of the "Remnant" will be imprinted in the souls of those who sing this song. It is my earnest hope that Remnants to save the age will arise. (Written by / Rev. Kwon Jung-min (Immanuel Gyeongin Church) )
R.E.M.N.A.N.T 7행시
R.E.M.N.A.N.T Acrostic Poem
Jung Min Kwon
Jung Min Kwon